DevOpsCon 2023 Berlin

Intro This year we joined the DevOpsCon in Berlin. Visiting together with our team the conference was a great experience. We can enjoy together the talks, the workshops, the networking and the city of Berlin. For most of us it was the first time in Berlin and we were very excited to visit the city. Last year we visited the KubeCon in Valencia and we were very excited to visit a much smaller conference this time.

AWS opens swiss region eu-central-2

Yesterday was an exiting day for the swiss IT industry with the opening of the new swiss AWS region eu-central-2; AWS being the last of the three largest cloud providers to open a region in Switzerland. What will change for Swiss customers? Even though AWS has had a presence in Switzerland for quite a while now, Swiss customers had to use a non-local regions. This has now changed, and we believe that the Swiss AWS region will grow quickly; as many Swiss companies will move their workloads into the AWS cloud, many from other, local cloud providers, since the option now exists to keep data within Switzerland itself.

CloudNativeCon KubeCon 2022

Once more a great and inspring event, where many contributors of #opensource presented their current work and projects. It was a success and we achieved our goals: attended the keynotes and many breakout sessions at the #cncf #kubecon 2022 in Valencia collected cool t-shirts and stickers got inspired by the community of #opensource enjoyed great food, drinks and the spirit of the city total steps count (4 days): 62'728 average hours of sleep: 5h helped to offset our flights at #myclimate