4DMetrics Service

What is it and how do I benefit from it.

Sophisticated Performance and Capacity Monitoring

Industry-standard components in combination with real-world experience! Whatever your business, there are certain KPI’s and metrics that are critical for your success:

  • everything from the perceived responsiveness of your website
  • the performance of your applications
  • how many of your customers are happy with your service
  • customer complaints
  • all the way to tracking stock prices

Data is only valuable to you if you are able to make it work in support of your core business, otherwise, it is simply an overhead that you need to manage.

What do I get?

Platform Independence

Containerised components which can be deployed on various platforms1

Seamless Integration

Easily integrates and extends your existing monitoring stack2

Smarter Alerting

Extends any existing AlertManager stack by giving admins and developers more control over their alerts

Scalable Monitoring

Based on industry standards the service is highly scalable

Data Aggregation & Analysis

Identify information contained in your data by visualization

Central Web Portal

Central Access Point to the service for all channels (API / UI), including component health endpoints and service dashboards

Optimised Dashboards

Ready out-of-the-box dashboards to allow a quick start right after the deployment

Comprehensive Documentation

Documentation of all components tailored to your instalation

Focused Hands-On Training

Knowledge Transfer and tailored hands-on training to meet your requirements.

1) Supported platforms: Docker (Swarm), Kubernetes, OpenShift & Podman
2) Default integrations: Prometheus (including K8s / OpenShift), InfluxDB



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