4DIdentity - Part 2

Welcome to the second blog post about our new 4DIdentity service. In the first blog post, we reviewed our motivation to create this internal service and its architecture. Brief summary: We use it to enable single sign-on for internal applications and future managed services. 4DIdentity is based on the Amazon Cognito service from AWS. We consciously chose to run it completely serverless, highly resilient, fully manageable and built using Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

4DIdentity - Part 1

In this blog post series, we want to give you a sneak peek into how we develop and maintain our applications. We have recently developed an internal service called 4DIdentity. This service acts as our central identity provider for internally used tools like ArgoCD and HashiCorp Vault. We also plan to use it in our future managed service offerings, so stay tuned! When developing the 4DIdentity service, we leveraged a set of best practices.

4data is now a JFrog partner

We are thrilled to announced that 4data has partnered with JFrog, a leading provider of DevOpsSec technology solutions. As a company, we understand the challenges that come with managing complex software systems, and are committed to providing our customers with the most effective tools to streamline their processes, and improve their developer experience. That's why partnering with JFrog was a natural fit for us. The JFrog stack is a universal solution for housing and managing all of the artifacts, files, container images and open source libraries that your business relies on, in a secure way, while still maximising developer happiness.

AWS opens swiss region eu-central-2

Yesterday was an exiting day for the swiss IT industry with the opening of the new swiss AWS region eu-central-2; AWS being the last of the three largest cloud providers to open a region in Switzerland. What will change for Swiss customers? Even though AWS has had a presence in Switzerland for quite a while now, Swiss customers had to use a non-local regions. This has now changed, and we believe that the Swiss AWS region will grow quickly; as many Swiss companies will move their workloads into the AWS cloud, many from other, local cloud providers, since the option now exists to keep data within Switzerland itself.

4data moves into its first office

At the beginning of October we moved into our first office, which happens to be in the same buidling as the Zürich passport office (Sihlquai 253). Up until now, we were a predominantly remote working company, and usually met in person at client sites, or for a drink; so moving into a new office represents a major milestone for us. Why the switch? As many experienced during Covid 19, remote work has many advantages, but also a few disadvantages.

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