AWS opens swiss region eu-central-2
Yesterday was an exiting day for the swiss IT industry with the opening of the new swiss AWS region eu-central-2; AWS being the last of the three largest cloud providers to open a region in Switzerland.
What will change for Swiss customers?
Even though AWS has had a presence in Switzerland for quite a while now, Swiss customers had to use a non-local regions.
This has now changed, and we believe that the Swiss AWS region will grow quickly; as many Swiss companies will move their workloads into the AWS cloud, many from other, local cloud providers, since the option now exists to keep data within Switzerland itself.

What will 4data do?
As a small and relatively agile company, running our services in the cloud was an obious choice; up until now we chose DigitalOcean to host our applications such as this website you're visiting. Soon we will be moving some of our workloads to the new AWS Swiss region eu-central-2.
4data is proud to be part of this growing business: we just started our journey to become a valuable member of the AWS partner network, and we're looking forward to supporting our customers to realize their own cloud startegies. As a start we are investing in helping our staff to gain training and certification, which enables us to support our customers with additional AWS expertise.