4data moves into its first office

At the beginning of October we moved into our first office, which happens to be in the same buidling as the Zürich passport office (Sihlquai 253). Up until now, we were a predominantly remote working company, and usually met in person at client sites, or for a drink; so moving into a new office represents a major milestone for us.

Why the switch?

As many experienced during Covid 19, remote work has many advantages, but also a few disadvantages. The company has continued to grow this year and with new employees came new needs. Not all of our new employees have the optimal conditions to set themselves up to work from home. Also, the need came up to have a place where we could meet directly with each other to work together on the spot. For these reasons, we decided to switch to a hybrid work model.

The office...

When choosing the office location, public transport connections were very important to us. We found these services at Sihlquai 253 in Zürich in the same building as the Zürich passport office. From Zürich main station our office can be reached by streetcar 4, 13 or 17 in 5 minutes. If you prefer to walk, you can reach our office in 15 minutes from the main station. The 30m2 available to us, is equipped with 3 height adjustable standing / sitting desks, along with a small meeting corner, complete with a digital whiteboard. The office even has space for a small coffee corner and fridge.

The Location...

The local area, offers a great selection of food choices, alongside trendy cafes, bars, and restaurants. We especially like the market hall in Viadukt, where you can discover all kinds of good food from the different stalls. The office is directly on Zurich's Limmat river, where we plan to spend time in the summer - the two river pools in upper and lower Letten, playing pétanque on the Josefwiese, and relaxing with a cool drink.

The Move...

The move itself felt almost like moving to your first apartment. We didn't have any furniture or equipement, so had to source it all - which was quite a challenge to coordinate, along with organising transportation etc: everyday was like christmas, with a constant supply of boxes to unpack, and organise.

Meet 4data

Looking for DevOps, Cloud Native and Cloud eningeering feel free to drop by our office at Sihlquai 253, 8005 Zürich, we are located in the 2nd Floor. Have a chat with us and meet the team.

Lucien Stuker

DevOps Engineer

Passionate about all things Cloud Native and Software development related. Love working on highly available and scalable services, as well as learning new approaches to technical challenges.


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